[ExI] hasta be a pony in here somewhere

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 23:11:51 UTC 2016

On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 4:50 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> ​> ​
> Read the book please.  Let us have a Nineteen Eighty Four discussion.  We
> need one.

​When I first read Orwell's book 1984 still seemed like a long time away​.
One of the grimiest and most powerful scenes is when the
the hero is tortured so much he says that 2+2=5, but he doesn't believe it
and his tormentors know
 so he is tortured some more, then he reaches the point where he wants to
believe that 2+2=5 but cannot, and this still isn't good enough so he's
tortured again this time so expertly that he sincerely believes with every
fiber of his being that 2+2=5, and he even comes to love his torturers for
correcting his error in thinking that 2+2=4.
​It has one of the best closing sentence of any book​
 "He loved Big Brother."

Also, Orwell's invention of the ​
​ language where its impossible to express heretical ​ideas was both creepy
and brilliant. I think 1984 is the world's best horror novel.

John K Clark

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