[ExI] Posting to the list

Ben bbenzai at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 13 18:33:49 UTC 2016

William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:

"this happens a lot to me and I hit a couple of wrong keys (wish I knew which ones) and my draft either gets sent prematurely or it disappears entirely."

I've long ago learned that it's best to use a text-editor that's independent of the vehicle I want to use to transmit my message, then I can save it, edit it, and only when I'm ready, copy-and-paste it into the relevant system (email, facebook, whatever). That way, I'm not at the mercy of different system's ideas of how I should be typing, formatting, spelling, etc., and it's a lot less likely that a single keystroke can wreck things, as there's only one system to learn.

I recomment NoteTab Light, it's a bit like MS Notepad but a lot better.

Ben Zaiboc

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