[ExI] Nobody can say we weren’t warned

Will Steinberg steinberg.will at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 18:02:55 UTC 2016

Hillary and the DNC made sure that Trump would be candidate so that the
moral imperative would be to vote FOR her, instead of if someone like Mitt
Romney ran and the moral imperative would be to vote against her.

At this point I even am considering the possibility that Trump has been
paid to lose by the Clintons.

We're fucked if we do and fucked if we don't.  Remember Hillary is the
person who said "We came, we saw, he died" and laughed about Qaddafi being
tortured and sodomized with a bayonet by fringe Islamist hard-right-wing
rebels who we supported to overthrow the communist leader supported by the
majority of the population who was going to take the country off the
petrodollar.  (remind anyone here of South America in the 80s?) Or we get
Trump who's a moron, possibly on purpose, who Hillary is ecstatic about
being the competitor to.

If everyone could finally shut up about the election that would be grand.
I'd be really happy if John stopped complaining and Spike stopped talking
about the goddamn footsteps now instead of waiting until the 8th.

I'm voting for Hillary and have intensely argued for her here.  But I'm
pretty sure she's going to highly amp up this new cold war and it's people
my age who are gonna get drafted when we eventually turn it into a hot war
(maybe by trying to institute a Syrian no-fly-zone?)

Anyway, John, Wikileaks already has shown that the DNC wanted Trump to
run.  In my eyes, that's the end of the argument.  He's fucking
unelectable!  And you for sure aren't going to make a difference now, and
if you wanted to try you'd go volunteer at a call center instead of
complaining to a small group of nerds?

Honestly JC have you done any volunteering for Hillary?  If not then don't
talk about it here lol.

Can we legitimately put a moratorium on election posts with a weeklong ban
for breaking it?  Please?

Hear the fucksteps.  They're getting too loud and annoying to put up with
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