[ExI] most famous exi poster

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 16:10:57 UTC 2016

Marvin Minsky
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has posted on this list,
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he was one of the leaders in AI and, in a completely different field,
invented the Confocal Scanning Microscope
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which today is a workhorse in biological research.
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Asimov was not a modest man and he said in his entire life he only met 2
people that were smarter than he was, one was
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Carl Sagan
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and the other was
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Marvin Minsky

Nick Szabo
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was once pretty active on the list and many people say if Hal Finney wasn't
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Satoshi Nakamoto
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(the inventor of Bitcoin) then Nick Szabo was. Others think Nakamoto was
really Wei Dai, and he was also quite active on the list.

 John K Clark
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