[ExI] Fwd: Just how deplorable are Trump supporters?
John Clark
johnkclark at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 00:04:50 UTC 2016
On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 5:58 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> >
> I have noticed how that basket of deplorables comment has taken a life of
> its own. I see how it was worded. But it vaguely feels like anyone who
> can identify with any of those characteristics are being tossed into that
> basket.
In Trump's
latest attack ad he was kind enough to actually show the video where
Hillary specifies exactly who she would put in that deplorable basket,
people who were "
sexist, homophobic
", and then the ad ends with a grim sounding narrator saying over scary
music, see SEE she's insulting people just like you. As for me, if somebody
says racists sexists homophobics and xenophobs are deplorable I don't feel
personally insulted because I don't identify with people like that, but
Trump supporters do.
> >
> Our government damn sure has let us down. It has borrowed and spent all
> this money with no credible means of repaying it,
Just as we've done every year since 1835, except for the years when
Hillary's husband was president.
> >
> we have the most corrupt administration in American history.
Spike, not everything you hear on Fox news is true.
> >
> we have two secretaries of state who conspired to break the law
It's weird, both
Nate Silver
and the betting odds agree that there are now 2 bullets in the revolver
we are all being forced to play Russian Roulette with, we're all facing an
existential threat from a ignorant amoral unstable man who wants to command
a nuclear arsenal, and yet all anybody wants to talk about is Hillary's
stupid Email server and her unforgivable political error of actually
telling the truth.
If time travel into the past ever proves
now is the time to keep a lookout for a time traveler from the future in
a desperate mission to prevent the election of Donald J Trump. And I'm
being dead serious, this man is dangerous.
John K Clark
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