[ExI] Single Payer Healthcare
Mirco Romanato
painlord2k at libero.it
Sat Apr 1 01:03:16 UTC 2017
Il 29/03/2017 11:32, BillK ha scritto:
> No, Spike. It's not bad music that is causing the increase in US white
> middle-aged suicides.
It is the Federal reserve policy of low interests rates killing their
In the past, funds would have generated 7% return yearly, to pay lavish
retirements checks.
Today, with ~0% interest rate for the banks (but not for the normal
people) people is unable to pay their house, maintain it, pay their
college debts, pay their cars and have a family.
You can not fix with healthcare the fact people is unable to buy a
decent house; people is forced to work long hours to get enough money to
just survive.
What could be the average lifespan for a people with a mean 1500$ in
their bank accounts. They live hand to mouth and the healthcare can not
fix that.
The ACA just made the system untenable for the majority of people,
imposing even more inefficiencies.
> The cause is that the part of the US outside the cities has seen their
> lives steadily get worse for eight years and they are in despair.
> <https://www.buzzfeed.com/matthewzeitlin/deaths-of-despair-white-working-class-americans-are-dying>
Mirco Romanato
Mirco Romanato
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