[ExI] Dark mass = FTL baryons?
pharos at gmail.com
Sun Aug 20 17:50:32 UTC 2017
On 20 August 2017 at 15:35, Stuart LaForge wrote:
> Bill, I appreciate your humor, but I want to stress that these
> superluminal atoms and molecules are not from another universe. They are
> from this very same universe. A universe that experienced a big bang,
> where temperatures were around 1.4*10^32 Kelvin.
> By Boltzmann's thermal velocity formula, the most probable velocity of
> protons at this temperature would be v = sqrt(2K*T/m) where K is
> Boltzmann's constant and m is the mass of a proton. The answer to this
> admitttedly rough approximation is that the average proton would be going
> about 6*10^25 times the speed of light.
Well, I suppose anything could be happening at the time of the big bang. :)
Our physics may not apply at the moment of creation. I doubt that any
protons at all existed at the big bang instant. After inflation ended,
matter and antimatter almost annihilated each other leaving only our
universe of normal matter. So protons didn't exist until 0.0001
seconds after the big bang when inflation had ended and the universe
had cooled down a bit.
More thoughts .....
As protons increase in speed they also increase in mass towards
infinite mass and this stops them from exceeding the speed of light.
Or, an alternative phrasing is that to make protons exceed the speed
of light you need a force acting on them that also exceeds the speed
of light.
I doubt that heating protons up would make them exceed the speed of
light. If you assume the almost infinite heat of creation, then you
also have to assume that protons could exist under those conditions.
> Riddle me this: Gravity crushes everything more massive than the asteroid
> Ceres into spheres: Planets, stars, black holes, etc. Why does dark matter
> form gigantic filaments with embedded galaxies instead of spheres? Maybe
> because it isn't made of particles. . . It's made of space-noodles!
Dark matter is clustered around galaxies. It is the galaxies that form
gigantic filaments. So why are FTL particles static and clustered
around galaxies? They should be zipping through our normal universe
regardless of what is in our universe. These space-noodles don't hang
about! :)
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