[ExI] Huxley or Orwell - who got it right?

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 18:09:49 UTC 2017

>…Spike - you want others to read 1984 - what for?  What are they going to
do after reading it?  bill w​

On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 11:41 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net>​
They will read and watch for power grabbers in government, then oppose them
at every step.:

> ​​
> ​But Spike, that has been going on since somebody picked up the first club
> and bashed an opponent.  Is not every person in gov. a power grabber or
> attached to one so that some might trickle down?

​Now I can see teaching these things to youngsters, making them pessimistic
and cynical before their times.  Why shouldn't they see reality after a
childhood of fantasy and being kept in a closet, so to speak?  But to
anyone over 30, power grabbing is old hat.  No?

I suggest that what we want is power grabbers who support us and our
issues.  The more power they have, the better for us.  Right?

bill w​

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