[ExI] b riots: was RE: star trek
Christian Saucier
csaucier at sovacs.com
Sun Feb 12 12:45:37 UTC 2017
On 2/11/2017 1:35 PM, spike wrote:
> We could set up betting on PredictIt, have a great time with this. My
> bet depends on the price structure. I would like to play it however.
> I would give about 30 cents the first neo-Klan is ideologically driven
> (not a hired hand) perhaps 20 cents she is hired by the constables to
> discredit peaceful demonstrators, 20 cents she is a Milo-employee, 20
> cents she was hired by someone neither Milo nor constables and ten
> cents none of the above.
Milo Y. clearly also benefits from all the publicity generated by the
riots. I like your percentage allocation although I would personally
reallocate 10 points from the "neither" to the "ideological" category.
What I should have said is that regardless of who actually funds Antifas
and other "by any means necessary" groups, the events so far indicate to
me that local police forces do not seem to have any desire or intention
of arresting the troublemakers.
On 2/11/2017 1:35 PM, spike wrote:
> *>… Behalf Of *Christian Saucier
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] b riots: was RE: star trek
> On 2/11/2017 11:33 AM, spike wrote:
> >>…Quad-rotor drones…they figure out which of the anonymous rioters this is and
> what she did, looks for her FaceBook pages. Now we know. Wouldn’t
> that work?
> >…We are, of course, making the assumption that the police force
> didn't hire the sleazy bastards in the first place, with orders to
> help turn a peaceful assembly into a violent riot. Cui bono. C.
> I am not making that assumption at all, but good, that would be even
> better.
> Scenario: the students apprehend one of the neo-Klan, remove mask,
> take lots of photos, post them on FaceBook where she is identified by
> the collective, hand her over to the constables, watch what happens.
> If she goes free, we know who the real perps are. If she doesn’t, we
> know who she is.
> We could set up betting on PredictIt, have a great time with this. My
> bet depends on the price structure. I would like to play it however.
> I would give about 30 cents the first neo-Klan is ideologically driven
> (not a hired hand) perhaps 20 cents she is hired by the constables to
> discredit peaceful demonstrators, 20 cents she is a Milo-employee, 20
> cents she was hired by someone neither Milo nor constables and ten
> cents none of the above.
> We could have another meme regarding the next campus Milo show: more
> masked thugs with no arrests of any of them. I would have to give
> about 50 cents for that one.
> We could even set up a play-money gentleperson’s bet on this one.
> Above are my offers. Everybody gets an imaginary dollar for each of
> two memes, the first meme: the identity and motive of a captured
> black-mask, the second being no-arrest. For adjudicator, we could get
> a neutral-ish sort of guy who we have known for a long time, such as
> Adrian, or one who has a lot of experience with campuses such as
> BillW, or even a British guy with no dog in the fight such as BillK.
> Or hell, all three, an omnipotent triumvirate, who would debate and
> issue an opinion of who wins our imaginary dollar bet.
> Welcome Christian! Tell us about Christian if you wish.
> spike
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