[ExI] tumbling pyramids again
spike66 at att.net
Sat Feb 18 22:10:21 UTC 2017
From: extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf
Of Mike Dougherty
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2017 1:26 PM
To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Subject: Re: [ExI] tumbling pyramids again
On Feb 18, 2017 11:42 AM, "spike" < <mailto:spike66 at att.net>
spike66 at att.net> wrote:
BillK, think hard sir, Mike, Adrian, the rest of you smart guys THINK now!
If we demonstrate a material dependence or a scale dependence, what have we
shown and what can we do with it?
>.Have we considered aero/fluid dynamics if these nanoGizrs (from pyramids
at Giza, pronounced nano-geezers?).
Heeeeeheheheheheheheeee, nanoGizrs, please sir may we use that as the
standard name? We will say nice things about you if anyone wants to trace
the etymology.
Good thinking, fluid dynamics. We could make them with only slight negative
buoyancy, then stir the water, see how they settle.
>. can be magnetically oriented?
Good thinking, magnetic orientation, don't know how the heck to deal with
that, but in both those examples and the one I already discovered this
morning from your scale-dependence you (or somebody) made, once we start
considering those, we have square-cube dependencies all over the place. I
realized one of those scale-dependencies had to do with the radius of the
>.If we build them from a piezo electric crystals, we might be able to
generate charge via stress or apply charge to actuate a bundle of sheets?...
I may misunderstand how piezo crystals work, but I don't think you can make
arbitrary angles with them. They are directional by their nature, and only
work in two orthogonal axes, with the third axis producing the excess charge
but only if it is free-free in that direction. Have we piezo hipsters among
>.Would these have any application in your M-Brain scenario?...
Oy vey, I am stumped by some aspects of M-Brains. I think I went waaaay
wrong on that whole thing some time ago and I don't really know what to do:
I've fallen and I can't get up.
>.How does the pyramid shape affect heat absorb/dissipate?
If we had M-Brain nodes shaped like pyramids with the square base faced
towards the star, we have more area to radiate heat out into cold space, but
if the square base faces away, we have more area to collect sunlight and
less to radiate.
The factor causing me to fall and not get up: I did (what I think is) a
first-principles calculation on M-Brains that demonstrate energy must be
reflected in a low-entropy state absolutely reeeeegaaaaardless of how
efficient this or that or the other, regardless of what you are doing with
the energy: you must throw some of it away unused or eventually we cook in
our own stew. If we extract energy, we create entropy which makes it more
difficult to get rid of the waste heat. The real problem is that I am not
an expert on entropy, even after all these years on the EXtropy list, I
still don't trust myself on that topic. we need a REAL entropy hipster to
come along and get me up.
>.Or, back to the signaling application you originally mentioned. Idk, i
like the brainstorming part but i don't have sufficient
chemistry/physics/engineering knowledge to know if it's all nonsense or if
there might be a few grains of gold in a pile of rocks.
Eh, toss em out here if you wish. My philosophy is that if an idea is bad,
no one will ever hear of it again. If an idea is good, someone will
eventually trace it back to you and you will be at least famous (but not
rich.) Some ideas might make someone else rich, such as Hal Finney with
Bitcoin. I am going to claim that whole notion of BitCoin was born right
here on ExI-Chat in about 1996, but I don't mind one nanoparticle if our own
gone but never forgotten Hal Finney was the one who took the ball and ran
with it. That didn't cost me anything: I don't have the computer hipsterity
to have done anything with it anyway. Good for Hal's family. I met his now
wealthy widowed bride once a long time ago; she seems like such a nice lady.
Regarding that M-Brain entropy notion, sooner or later, some really smart
grad student might get a PhD thesis out of proving the lower limit of
entropy any M-Brain must throw away in order to stay in thermal equilibrium.
That person might be my own son, or someone might figure it out before he is
at that level of sophistication.
NanoGizrs: you are right on: it is scale-dependent, and several other things
dependent. Figuring out the theoretical h is a Sisyphean task, but a fun
one. And hey, if we get an explanation for the Big Bang out of the deal,
what's not to like?
Mike were you the one who proposed phi? Want to stay with that answer?
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