[ExI] test of icbm intercept

Bill Hibbard hibbard at wisc.edu
Fri Jun 2 01:44:05 UTC 2017

On 28 May 2017, Spike  wrote:

>  .On Friday, officials said the Pentagon will try to shoot down an
>  intercontinental-range missile for the first time in a test this week. The
>  goal is to more closely simulate a North Korean ICBM aimed at the U.S.
>  homeland, officials said.
>  North Korea is now the focus of U.S. efforts because its leader has vowed to
>  field a nuclear-armed missile capable of reaching American territory.
>  http://abcnews.go.com/International/pentagon-conduct-icbm-intercept-test/story?id=47667872
>  Shall we start a betting pool on whether the attempted intercept will hit
>  the target?

Cool Spike!

This one worked. N Korea responded by threatening
to reduce the US to ashes. This work is partly an
honest effort to defend against N Korea and partly,
I believe, to pressure China and Russia into helping
to halt the N Korean and Iranian programs.

>  Is this not remarkable?  The top military brass was already thinking about
>  how to deal with the Dear Leader and his offspring at least 26 yrs ago.

In 1971-72 I worked for MIT Lincoln Labs on ballistic
missile defense - 46 years ago. Pretty primitive in
those days.

I had a clearance but never learned any secrets. Got my
clearance despite the fact that one of my roommates at
U. of Wisconsin was convicted of of attempting to
firebomb the campus ROTC building, and my roommate at
Princeton U. was indicted for attempting to set the
Institute for Defense Analysis on fire. My politics were
conservative at the time, but most of my friends were
lefties because they were more fun (not that setting
places on fire was fun). Note both these guys failed to
actually light anything on fire.


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