[ExI] how to help?

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 20:11:47 UTC 2017

Mike wrote;   we will probably find a bunch of reasons that are obscured
behind a one-size/one-problem sound bite.

It would take a lot of research to determine what you want to know.  I will
assume that more homeless vets committed suicide than others; that the
homeless ones were more likely to be addicted to alcohol and/or drugs - and
so on.

None of that makes any difference to me.  They need all kinds of help and
they are mostly not getting it from our government, which implicitly
promised them that.  If we could get them housed ,we could start dealing
with addiction, PTSD, and other problems.  Not since WWII have vets been
greeted by the rest of us as returning heroes.  Is it because we knew that
those wars were mistakes?  And none of them won?  Not the fault of the

Re wars:  has there been a defensible one since WWII?  No.
What will the Repubs get us into now so that their military industrial
complex buddies can make more billions?

bill w

On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 2:43 PM, Dave Sill <sparge at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think we should work on the vet problem by ending the wars we're
> fighting, closing bases on foreign soil, drastically cutting the military
> budget, and improving the VA.
> But that won't happen, obviously.
> -Dave
> On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 3:32 PM, Mike Dougherty <msd001 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 6:19 PM, William Flynn Wallace <
>> foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It now seems that vets are committing suicide at the rate of 20 or so a
>>> day.  More Vietnam vets have done so than died in combat there.
>>> The VA promises to cut waiting time, is being reorganized, is
>>> underfunded, etc.
>>> I am not a vet but was a clinical psychologist in part, and it seems
>>> that vets and PTSD is being treated like mental illness - i.e. like please
>>> just go away, I don't want to think about you.
>>> Sapolsky, whose book I have finished and will review shortly, says that
>>> brain images had to be shown to Congress so that they understand that a
>>> disease is there, not just some wimpy guys crying themselves to sleep at
>>> night.
>>> Outside of the mentally ill, I just don't know of a group that deserves
>>> far, far more attention than these vets.  Alcoholism, drug addiction,
>>> homelessness, are rampant.
>>> Why would anyone want to go fight a war for the USA?  Especially in
>>> unwinnable wars like we have now.
>> How many of those vets are also among the statistics for opioid-related
>> deaths? I'm not asking to isolate the groups as much as identify that there
>> are confounding factors that make single-symptom treatments unlikely to be
>> effective.  If we start considering the extenuating circumstances for each
>> demographic (or vets specifically) we will probably find a bunch of reasons
>> that are obscured behind a one-size/one-problem sound bite.
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