[ExI] bio-body spike creates cyber-zombie spike
spike66 at att.net
Thu May 11 14:32:58 UTC 2017
>.AI can now imitate any human voice with just one minute of training
>. <https://www.linkedin.com/in/quharrison-terry-728b3a89> QuHarrison Terry
>.Parrots are always getting people in trouble with their ability to copy
what someone says.
>. <https://lyrebird.ai/> Lyrebird, is making huge progress in speech
synthesis technology.
>. Lyrebird doesn't imitate, it learns.
>.Using just one minute of voice recording data, their AI can pick up on all
the idiosyncrasies that make a voice unique. Apparently, there's enough DNA
data in that one minute to create a representative style of the speaker.
Guessing the claims here are exaggerated, but I can see great potential here
if it is even partly true. My perennial obsession is to provide some kind
of software with my voice and expressions to stand in for me here after I am
shipped off to some nursing home, and when I am there, to entertain me with
the voices of my bride and others I care about who may no longer be with us
then (and may that day be maaaany decades in the future.)
I want something that can take my voice into software and express awe and
amazement at the newer technologies to come which my bio-body won't be able
to appreciate, as well as come up with a terms less redundant than
"bio-body" and less morbid than "cyber-zombie."
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