[ExI] U.of Tokyo invents 'loop-based quantum computer'

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 15:26:20 UTC 2017

On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 10:01 PM, Jordan Hosmer-Henner <jordanhh at gmail.com>

​> ​
> "Under the new method, many pulses of light, each carrying information,
> are allowed to go around in a loop circuit indefinitely. The circuit
> performs multiple tasks, switching from one task to another rapidly through
> instant manipulations of the pulses."
> The invention was announced in an article by University of Tokyo professor
> Akira Furusawa and assistant professor Shuntaro Takeda that was posted on
> an electronic version of the U.S. journal Physical Review Letters.
> “We’ll start work to develop the hardware, now that we’ve resolved all
> problems except how to make a scheme that automatically corrects a
> calculation error,” Furusawa said.

That's interesting but they can't scale it up to make a full scale machine
just yet because existing error correcting schemes can only do so much and
their error rate ​is still about 6 dB too high. The authors of the paper
admit this but say:

*However, the requirement for fault tolerance is likely to be satisfied in
the near future by further​ ​improvement of technology or error-correction

I hope they're right but getting those last few dB's is hard.

John K Clark

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