[ExI] Thank Your Lucky Stars Amazon Saved The Expanse, Because Its Third Season Was Stellar

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 07:51:18 UTC 2018

"This kind of storytelling may ultimately not have won the audience that
the series needed to stay on SyFy, or to compete with other current genre
shows with Very Big Ideas, but it did at least win the confidence of
Amazon, which picked it up for a fourth season after its cancelation. This
is a loss for cable TV, but a win for the cast and crew on the show—and
it’s validation of the kind of storytelling *The Expanse* has been
interested in from the beginning. After all, streaming is where the team
always saw this going: As series co-creator Mark Fergus noted
(prophetically!) in our interview with him
“The show lives on beyond broadcast. When the show is said and done, people
will watch it in a linear, streamed kind of way, or they’ll binge it or
whatever. It will be a straight line, so you can’t really worry about the
season enders and the rhythm of the show, at least in terms of the big
pauses in between. If you look at it as a big book, by the end of it, it’s
five seasons—or seven seasons, or whatever we get—and it’s one big, long

"And given Holden’s portentous monologue to holograph-ghost Miller at the
end of tonight’s finale, a monologue that caught hold not just of the big
sci-fi protomolecule story but all the internecine human misery and
striving those sci-fi threads weave in and out of, that big long story is
one I can’t wait to keep watching."

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