[ExI] The Great Gatsby Curve
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 22:55:35 UTC 2019
Cut off their internet = riots in the streets.
So television/internet has taken the place of religion: opiate of the
masses. I read where Russia is thinking about creating their own internet,
for the purpose, I assume, of shutting out any other one - mass
censorship. Will they revolt? China censors, but the Chinese people have
seen huge increases in quality of life and the Russians have not.
bill w
On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 4:34 PM <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> *On Behalf
> Of *John Clark
> <http://www.beautifullife.info/automotive-design/worlds-top-10-most-expensive-luxury-yachts/>
> >…I was particularly interested in the yacht "History Supreme", it's only
> 100 feet long, and that'ssmall compared with another super luxury yacht the
> 536 foot long 1.5 billion dollar "Eclipse"…
> John, where did that .5 billion dollars go? Away? Where away?
> >… but the "History Supreme" cost 3 times as much, 4.5 billion dollars…
> Did that 4.5 billion dollars go away? Where is it now?
> >… because it has 220,462 pounds of Gold and Platinum decorating it…
> OK so it is a floating Fort Knox. I still don’t see the problem, even if
> it sinks. We can haul it back up for that kinda money. In fact that would
> help keep it safe. I don’t see why it is any more obscene in a yacht than
> in a fort in Kentucky.
> >… and a statue made of Tyrannosaurus Rex bones in the dining room…
> Hey cool I wonder if I can make arrangements to have my bones made into a
> statue?
> >…I don't want to be within a hundred miles of that obscenity when the
> revolution hits, I don't want the pitchfork wielding mob to think I had
> anything to do with it. John K Clark
> John I just got back from Costco and realized there is work to be done
> before the pitchfork revolution can take place. For starters, the guns
> need to be confiscated from the citizenry, because those have longer range
> than pitchforks. But there is more, and it gets back to Costco.
> A number of years ago I saw an interview with a guy who was a companion of
> Fidel Castro before the war. He wasn’t at all what you would picture: this
> guy was happy, funny, jolly, a pleasant guy. He related a story about how
> Castro was a fiery young man, struggling to get his fellow revolutionaries
> off their asses. They said Fidellll! Why you want revolutiON? We have de
> hogs, we have de women, we have de marijuana. We have everything we need
> up here!
> Castro sent away the women, no revolutiON! He cut off de supply of hogs,
> no revolutiON! Then he cut off de marijuana. Then de men would FIGHT!
> Today at Costco, I looked at TVs for the first time in a coupla years. I
> saw what a marvelous TV one can get for one week of minimum wage. These
> are 50 inch diagonal, 4k resolution, they get 400 bucks for them. With
> that and free internet, the proletariat will not revolt. It doesn’t matter
> how much MC Hammer owns, billions, trillions, tack on whatever prefix you
> want to illions, doesn’t matter one bit how long his yacht or how tall his
> house. If the proletariat are that comfortable, they will not revolt. The
> job of the revolutionary leader is to make the masses uncomfortable.
> Cut off their internet = riots in the streets.
> spike
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