[ExI] fermi question on poseidon adventure

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 21:01:43 UTC 2019

Humans are such a fun silly species.


Have you ever noticed that women are rarely silly?  They have been regarded
so by men, just to put them down, but most silliness, not to mention
obsession with sex jokes, sex content, sex anything, is instigated by men?

Who acts silly with grandchildren?  Men,  Dogs?  Men, and so on.
Exceptions exist, but think of men's clubs:  Jackie Gleason's club on The
Honeymooners;  silly hats and other outfits.  Women just don't do these
things.  They laugh at their men and call them little boys, which for some
of their behavior isn't far off at all.  Sports heroes (think of that word)
are given statues as if they had won foreign wars.  And so on.

And maybe it's a good thing, though as usual with men, it's often carried
to far.  And maybe there is a tie-in with creativity - men more creative
(OK women, fight back on this one).

bill w

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 1:51 PM <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:

> *From:* extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> *On Behalf
> Of *William Flynn Wallace
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] fermi question on poseidon adventure
> I strongly object to the word 'gratuitous' in your sentence - " gratuitous
> bun shot" There just isn't any such a thing.
>  bill w
> Well I did say it was greatly appreciated.  {8^D
> Besides, it’s the rules: all successful Hollywood movies have to have a
> bit of sizzle.  Think about it Bill: it is so real life.  Every truly
> life-threatening situation, is there not always some way to get some
> attractive young unattached woman nekkid?  Every real drama just has tohave
> that in there somewhere: it’s the rules.  Strict they are.  The
> movie-goer’s inalienable right it is.
> Mere threat of death is better than nothing, but add in the whole
> bun-flashing thing, and you cover all the bases.
> Humans are such a fun silly species.
> spike
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