[ExI] thawing of ai winter?

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Sat Apr 18 09:00:26 UTC 2020

On 18/04/2020 01:51, Rafal wrote:
> There may be two ways of doing it. The Tesla way is to use gazillions 
> of data points from millions of drivers to force the deep learning 
> network to generate all the solutions for multi-layered analysis of 
> the world, in a way recapitulating the evolution from the lowly worm 
> all the way to near-human understanding. Since the original 
> evolutionary process took 600 million years, this method might take 
> longer than expected. The other way is to look at the pre-wired brain 
> structure and try to transfer insights from there to pre-wire a deep 
> learning network.
> Does it make sense?

Makes a great deal of sense to me, but it's not the people on this list 
that need convincing, and I'm the wrong Ben. I had an exchange years ago 
with a more relevant Ben (Goertzel) about the relevance of modelling 
existing brains to AI research, but he wasn't a fan, and thought a more 
direct computational approach was the way to go, bypassing biological 
brains altogether. Maybe he, or other AI researchers can be persuaded 
otherwise now.

Ben Zaiboc

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