[ExI] Atheism

Will Steinberg steinberg.will at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 02:37:13 UTC 2020

Dylan: never too late!  I believe it is the most rational position to take
as a scientist.

William: I too am a naturalist.  I believe in physics, and by extension,
consciousness.  This is all that is required, in my opinion, for rational
pantheism.  It is extremely illogical and unscientific to believe that
consciousness somehow stops outside a single human brain, just like it
would be similarly illogical to believe that consciousness stopped outside
a single brain hemisphere.  Materialism is needed, in my opinion, to
validate by belief in God.  It provides a consistently similar-acting
substrate whereby conclusions regarding my own consciousness can be
rationally extended to things beyond myself.

In essence:

1. I am conscious
2. I am material
3. I am made of disparate parts forming a larger system of information
movement and exchange
4. I am a disparate part forming a larger system of information movement
and exchange
5a. Information is moved or exchanged in all events taking place in the
5b. The universe is material
6. The universe is conscious

I believe the China brain is conscious.  But I also have relaxed the
restrictions and boundaries of such a system widely enough to encompass the
universe and whatever is beyond.

On Sun, Apr 19, 2020, 22:23 spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> > *On Behalf Of *Dylan Distasio via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] Atheism
> >…Athiest, although I'd rather be a pantheist!
> That does kinda sound like fun, but it leads to a good question: if one
> would rather be something else, a different faith, does one really have a
> choice?  If one sees clear evidence of evolution for instance, but one’s
> belief system says no evolution, but one likes his belief system as is,
> does it come crashing down anyway?  Can we choose what we believe?
> Does it depend on the person?
> spike
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