[ExI] school ideas, was: RE: next county

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 18:45:17 UTC 2020

Some students should have been left behind circa the 8th or 9th grade.
Shunted into plumbing, carpentry, or just their choice.  Not academically
inclined nor academically gifted.  Good money to be made in those fields.
This would get rid of some parts of the bottom of the curve.

Our stupid state requires algebra to graduate from high school.  Stupid.
No available training for other than academic professions.

Perhaps many of those uninterested are just blown away by 9th grade algebra
and the like.  Not dumb or stupid or just immature - bored with what they
can't understand.  Hard to like something you cannot understand.  I think
we should have a high school 'major' in retail sales.  Lack of that
learning may be in part responsible for all the small retail stores going
under in a few years.  No finance classes in high school.

No, it's not just attitude in those failing to take advantage of online
learning.  Is there any plumbing there?  Carpentry?  (probably so - do they
know that?  Are they ever told that if academics don't suit them here are
these other options?  I doubt it.)

bill w

On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 1:32 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> *From:* spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com>
> *Subject:* school ideas, was: RE: [ExI] next county
> *From:* spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com>
> >>…We rigged up some cameras which follow motion…
> >…So we will get really good video of whoever it was who stole the
> cameras…Our current baseline plan is far from perfect.  Suggestions
> welcome…spike
> There’s something else I need to mention which might come into play.  In
> any capitalist system, the average prole does better than the average prole
> in communism.  But there is a universal observation: the rich get richer.
> In schools, as more and more online resources come available, the
> academically rich get richer faster than before.  Perhaps we have plenty of
> elite and talented students present, well you remember high school.  You
> remember how much or even most of your time was wasted waiting for the
> others to catch up.  But they never did.  How we would have soared with
> eagles had we the resources the young have today.
> After Mr. Musk came to town brining all those smart driven H1Bs, we have
> watched our local public school’s average scores march northward, oh my
> what a marvelous trend.  Less discussed but even more dramatic: the
> accompanying northward charge of the standard deviation.  The academically
> rich are getting fabulously rich, the academically poor and those who do
> not use the free online resources, are getting nothing, perhaps even less
> than they were getting before.
> Online instruction is leading to increased academic polarization.  It is
> almost like the fall of the Berlin Wall, when communism fell.  There are
> those who argue that increased academic polarization is a bad thing, even
> if average scores are going up.
> spike
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