[ExI] next county
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Tue Aug 4 21:07:01 UTC 2020
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat
> _______________________________________________
Hi Spike
This article just arrived. Looks like useful information.
One quote I noticed was :
“If your trends are not coming down, then there’s a problem,” she says.
>...So if areas are using different counting methods you can't compare areas, but you can look at the trends in each area.
Thanks BillK! Excellent article! Very informative.
I might speculate that Puerto Rico mighta gotten holda some bad test kits. That 100.00% positive rate just looks a bit suspish.
If we compare by area, my city and the one to the north are in good shape to reopen schools: our case load has been mercifully mild.
How is UK handling school re-opening? Do you have something analogous to our state governors there? Can Scotland and Ireland and Wales make their own calls?
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