[ExI] weird tangent: RE: URLs (was: Re: statins bad? again? sorry - I did not know where to cut it off. bill w)
Anton Sherwood
bronto at pobox.com
Wed Aug 12 20:26:04 UTC 2020
On 2020-8-12 13:03, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat wrote:
> Henry, I just got a book called Duped, copyright 2020, that is the most
> compelling, interesting, impressive book in social psych I have ever
> seen, and I just finished the Preface!!
> It's called Duped - about persuasion, ability to detect lying, ability
> to lie, and so on - funded by the FBI and others. Literally hundreds of
> studies worldwide before he even wrote the book. bill w
> https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=duped+truth+default+theory+tim+levine&crid=6USAFSX04CJ5&sprefix=duped%2Caps%2C180&ref=nb_sb_ss_ac-o-p_1_5
That search shows many books with the same title;
here is the one you meant more directly:
*\\* Anton Sherwood *\\* www.bendwavy.org
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