[ExI] weird tangent: RE: URLs (was: Re: statins bad? again? sorry - I did not know where to cut it off. bill w)
Henry Rivera
hrivera at alumni.virginia.edu
Wed Aug 12 23:23:13 UTC 2020
Thanks both of you. That sounds like a book worth checking out.
I got a kick out of Bill saying (I’m obviously paraphrasing) it’s the best thing since sliced bread and he had only finished the Preface. It seems to me that Bill has read a lot, so that’s saying something.
This started as the statin thread, which makes me chuckle.
So what about all the previous studies that showed statins have saved or extended significantly an estimated hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives? Thirty million Americans annually sciencedaily.com said. Was that bad science, bad data, incomplete data, or were there confounding variables? Is it a matter of degree? Like, sure they save lives... But by only by a year, and only if one is over 80.
> On Aug 12, 2020, at 4:30 PM, Anton Sherwood via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> On 2020-8-12 13:03, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat wrote:
>> Henry, I just got a book called Duped, copyright 2020, that is the most compelling, interesting, impressive book in social psych I have ever seen, and I just finished the Preface!!
>> It's called Duped - about persuasion, ability to detect lying, ability to lie, and so on - funded by the FBI and others. Literally hundreds of studies worldwide before he even wrote the book. bill w
>> https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=duped+truth+default+theory+tim+levine&crid=6USAFSX04CJ5&sprefix=duped%2Caps%2C180&ref=nb_sb_ss_ac-o-p_1_5
> That search shows many books with the same title;
> here is the one you meant more directly:
> https://www.amazon.com/Duped-Truth-Default-Theory-Science-Deception/dp/0817359680/ref=sr_1_2
> --
> *\\* Anton Sherwood *\\* www.bendwavy.org
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