[ExI] statins
pharos at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 00:21:51 UTC 2020
On Thu, 13 Aug 2020 at 00:40, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Did you get the link to the People's Pharmacy? In it they reference the latest studies.
> Maybe we have the same situation as when the paid-off Harvard doctors cited fats rather than sugar as a problem in heart diseases. Statins have meant billions of dollars for Big Pharm.
> 200 books a year, estimation - about half nonfiction. I don't watch TV or do much of anything else, and now with the heart thing I am mostly confined to my chair. But I have been reading like a shark eats since I retired - 1997.
> bill w
> _______________________________________________
This new statins report is much criticised in an analysis from the
Science Media Centre.
Basically the critics seem to be saying that the three authors made
mistakes in their statistical analysis and reached wrong conclusions.
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