[ExI] Free will was: Everett worlds

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 19:27:17 UTC 2020

And what if you had voices in your head saying things, urging you to do
things that you would never even dream of, much less do?  There is a clear
history for the supposed validity of demon possession.  Do you think that
you would feel that those voices were yours?  That the actions urged were
ones you'd like to do?  If we truly had free will we could turn those
voices off, eh?  Only drugs might do that.  bill w

On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 1:52 PM John Clark via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 11:56 AM SR Ballard via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> > *If free will is real and you think it is not,*
> I think God is real, unless declared an integer.
> *> you can and will excuse all manner of immorality, sloth, and cruelty
>> because they couldn’t be avoided.*
> Well, I think free will is pure gibberish and yet I don't excuse all manner
> of immorality, sloth, and cruelty. And I think the insanity defense, the
> legal argument that murderers should be let go because they have bad genes
> or a bad upbringing or because of a smudge that can be seen on a MRI scan
> of a murderer's brain, is utterly ridiculous. Far from concluding that
> people are never responsible for their actions I would say people are
> *always* responsible for their actions.
> *> You probably put murderers in jail, but it’s kind of stupid because
>> from your perspective they never decided to kill anyone. Killing someone
>> was something they would be completely unable to prevent.*
> Dr.Hannibal Lecter or any other prolific murder in fiction or reality
> wouldn't be killing anyone if he was dead, or if there were other environmental
> restraints that kept him from engaging in his hobby.
> > *If free will is not real, then your belief in it does not change your
>> actions.*
> Of course they do! If my belief, which is the end result of the
> interaction between my genes and my environment, is that I am going to be
> severely punished if I commit murder then I am less likely to commit murder
> even if I would very much want to.
>> >
>> *If free will doesn’t exist, it doesn’t matter because it changes
>> nothing, and I will have whatever belief I will have regardless of my own
>> “agency”, so it’s pointless to try to change my mind.*
> People, even murderers, change their minds all the time and they do so
> based on environmental factors. When conditions change people's behavior
> changes too.
> John K Clark
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