[ExI] covid again
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Mon Aug 17 23:43:48 UTC 2020
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of Stathis Papaioannou via extropy-chat
In any case, as of about today… it has been long enough since the start of the Sturgis rally, if that is a super-spreader event (how the heck could it not be?) we will see a wave of positive cases. Recall there are estimated a quarter million biker proles at that rally last week, starting around 10 or 11 days ago. If we don’t see the impact of that, I don’t understand how this thing spreads.
>…There are very effective antiviral treatments for HIV now, so it is unlikely that people who have it and are appropriately treated will die from it.
Stathis Papaioannou
OK cool, glad to hear that, Stathis. I am not up to speed on that topic.
The latest report I can find from South Dakota published today says they have three new cases from the local university (which started last week) and one case from the Sturgis rally so far. But if they Sturgis doesn’t generate a heeeeeelllll of a lot more cases from that rally, then I profoundly don’t understand. At Black Hills State U, they are making them wear masks. But at the rally they don’t have that option: the bike crowd isn’t known for following instructions.
Black Hills State U has about 4k students, the bike rally hosts perhaps 70 times that number:
I heard a university in North Carolina opened a week ago and shut back down today because of new cases.
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