[ExI] clark bar: wasRE: Exi

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Aug 22 18:46:34 UTC 2020



> On Behalf Of John Clark via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] Exi JKC Political Posting Final Warning


On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 2:07 PM Keith Henson via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org <mailto:extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> > wrote:


>  I think there may be a hardware solution to corruption, but if I try to discuss it here, I see no possibility of
evading politics.


I'm not sure what you have in mind but it sure sounds like an interesting topic, it's a pity we're forbidden from discussing it…John K Clark





But we are not forbidden from forming an offlist subgroup, the way we usta do 25 yrs ago, when we were younger than we are now.


Eh, we have been kicked outta rougher bars than this one.  They said I was drunk and disorderly in public.  No way!  I was disorderly in bar.  They threw me into the public.


We could form an ExI-US-politics site, nominate a moderator and so on.  I nominate John Clark to moderate that.  Let anyone in who wants to come come, no requirement to be USian.  I propose that John Clark set the rules of behavior and be the subgroup owner and maintainer of the archives.


This aughta be interesting.  If John accepts and if he builds it, we will come.  If he wants people to be able to fight and abuse each other there, well, it’s his bar, so it’s his rules.



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