[ExI] very informative

Anton Sherwood bronto at pobox.com
Mon Dec 28 00:28:45 UTC 2020

On 2020-12-27 11:10, spike jones via extropy-chat wrote:
> Thanks for that billw.  What Prager describes as liberal is something I 
> have always thought of as libertarian.  I agree with everything he said 
> in that video.  You and I are liberals.

So freedom of movement across artificial boundaries is not a libertarian 
position?  Well, not gonna argue that here.

Prager also seems to have a statist post-hoc concept of nationalism. 
Historically, nationalism was about what we might call "natural" 
nations, tied by culture and kinship, as OPPOSED to the borders created 
by wars and the homogenizing campaigns of authoritarian regimes 
beginning with radical republican France.

Would Prager say "Basque nationalism", for example, is a contradiction 
in terms because there is no sovereign Basque state?

If right and left have any consistent meaning in different places and 
times, I'd say the right seeks social stability and the left seeks 
social equality.  Both of these terms are quite broad, and within them 
the emphasis varies pretty widely.  But neither has much room for 
anti-authoritarianism, for a contractual social order as against a 
status order.

*\\*  Anton Sherwood  *\\*  www.bendwavy.org

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