[ExI] The UNESCO Committee on Anti-Aging and International Conference on Aging and Disease 2020
Ilia Stambler
ilia.stambler at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 11:04:29 UTC 2020
Dear friends
Happy to share some good news:
The Executive Committee on Anti-aging and Disease Prevention was recently
established in the framework of Science and Technology, Pharmacology and
Medicine Themes under an Interactive Atlas along the Silk Roads, UNESCO.
The committee inauguration took place during the 2nd (Beijing) Annual
International Biomedical Health Conference and the 1st Academician Forum of
Transnational Biomedical Field, in Beijing, on December 16, 2019.
*See more details about the establishment of the UNESCO Executive Committee
on Anti-Aging and Disease Prevention* in the report of the International
Society on Aging Disease - ISOAD (one of the main co-organizers of the
UNESCO committee) in *Aging and Disease*, the journal of the International
Society on Aging and Disease, entitled:
“The Urgent Need for International Action for Anti-aging and Disease
Prevention” *Aging and Disease*, 2020, 11(1): 212-215
*And related news:*
The next major gathering of the UNESCO Executive Committee on Anti-Aging
and Disease Prevention will take place during *the 4th International
Conference on Aging and Disease (ICAD 2020) of the International Society on
Aging and Disease (ISOAD) that will be held at China National Convention
Center, Beijing, China, from October 31 to November 3, 2020**.*
About 1,500 scientists, physicians and students are expected to attend this
leading conference on biomedical research of aging, aging-related diseases
and healthy longevity from all over the world.
Here is the detailed information about the conference, including the venue,
confirmed speakers, program, call for papers, and registration:
We wish the new UNESCO Executive Committee on Anti-Aging and Disease
Prevention the best of success in its vitally important mission!
And we look forward to seeing you in Beijing, China, from October 31st to
November 3rd, 2020!
*Thank you for your participation and spreading the word!*
On behalf of the International Society on Aging and Disease
Ilia Stambler, PhD
Director of Research and Development. Shmuel Harofe Geriatric Medical
Center, Beer Yaakov, Israel, Affiliated to Sackler School of Medicine,
Tel-Aviv University http://www.shmuelh.org.il/
Chair. Israeli Longevity Alliance / CSO. Vetek (Seniority) – The Movement
for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel) *http://www.longevityisrael.org/
Coordinator. Longevity for All http://www.longevityforall.org Board member.
International Longevity Alliance http://www.longevityalliance.org/ Board
member. International Society on Aging and Disease http://www.isoad.org Fellow,
Policy Director. Global Healthspan Policy Institute
Author. Longevity History. *A History of Life-Extensionism in the Twentieth
Century *; *Longevity Promotion: Multidisciplinary Perspectives *
Email: ilia.stambler at gmail.com
Tel: 972-3-961-4296 / 0522-283-578
Skype: iliastam
Rishon Lezion. Israel
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