[ExI] you'll never see this again

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Jul 3 21:39:33 UTC 2020



From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of John Clark via extropy-chat

>> Ja.  Do you see the difference between a military attack by a foreign military and an attack by a virus?  




We do.


> To do what it sounds like you expect would require POTUS to assume dictatorial powers, which POTUS cannot legally do.


>…Japan, South Korea, Germany, Australia , New Zealand, Canada and many other countries managed to do what needed to be done and none of them have a dictator but they all had something the US disn't have, a leader who was not an imbecile.


John K Clark


It sounds like you would like to see the current POTUS or the next one seize dictatorial powers.  We don’t.


We can impeach the governors of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Connecticut if you think that will help, but I don’t see that as the path to success either: they know what they did wrong, and they also realize that governments aren’t god.  Granted some did a great job: Montana, Alaska and Wyoming for instance.


John keep reminding yourself: USA is the United States of America, not the United People of America (I assume you have at some point studied Orwell, ja?)  The federal government only has the enumerated powers the constitution grants it, no more.  That document, the foundation of our legal system was specifically designed to limit the federal government.  To get around those legal limitations and seizing authority outside the enumerated powers would require overthrowing the constitution, at which time the federal (former) government has no legal power at all.  And that is why we have a well-regulated militia.



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