[ExI] The professional licensure of police

SR Ballard sen.otaku at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 04:07:53 UTC 2020

I know you’re joking Spike but being killed by your husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé/fiancée, mom/dad is not super fun.

I had my father threaten to kill me but that wasn’t enough to get help — but it was enough to get cops to point guns at my parents and handcuff them, and threaten to get my dad fired. Completely unnecessary. I just needed a way out, not any kind of vengeance. 

If someone of my fiancé’s power were to attack someone my size, even when I was winning lifting competitions, he would easily kill me, likely even if I had a gun.

But also, the law and officers need to treat domestic violence differently. No assuming it was him or her. Assume neither/both. Separate them. No one gets to stay in the house and no one goes to jail unless it’s obvious. Develop some kind of “halfway housing” or something while everything is sorted out. 

Men/women usually don’t leave because they feel they can’t. Make them feel like they can, mandate counceling, whatever. 

But what we are doing isn’t fair, and it isn’t working.

SR Ballard

> On Jun 14, 2020, at 10:21 PM, spike jones via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> The only data I could find was for the whole state.  $35,350.  I should add that the highway patrol has only about half the officers it should have.  …
> bill w
> If we want to remove something from the cops’ duty list, the drug enforcement thing is good, but an even better one to remove is domestic disturbance.  Cops will tell you those are the scariest most unpleasant calls they must respond to: they don’t know which is the bad guy, they don’t know if they will survive that call.  My bride’s great great grandfather was slain in the line of duty on a domestic disturbance call. 
> If we take away just one distasteful task from the force, I would suggest that one.  Domestic abuse call, the dispatcher says “Pal you married her, now if she kills you, well, adios amigo.”
> I agree with Dan and Adrian, we could refocus the scope of police work, without vilifying them to the point they just walk away.  If the cops just quit, they will be like the girl in this video: we will miss them when they are gone:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmSbXsFE3l8
> spike
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