[ExI] police
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 20:52:33 UTC 2020
the proles who hang out here know me. I figure we are all among friends
I mention 'pantyhose' and get a whimsical reply. You mention sex slave.
Is there an emoticom for 'embarrassed giggle'? bill w
On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 3:48 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> *On Behalf
> Of *Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat
> >…How the term was used in your spouse’s great-great-grandfather’s time
> probably isn’t a guide for how it’s used now. For California law — and be
> prepared for some legalese — see:
> http://www.clrc.ca.gov/pub/2001/MM01-09.pdf
> >…Is this mistaken? Or is there some official local title in your area of
> constable?
> Thanks for the article Dan. We use the term to mean the city law
> enforcement who go about under flashing lights, as opposed to the office
> guys, the detectives, the ranking officials in the local PD: constables are
> the line-level guys we see enough to recognize their faces. In some cases
> we know their names.
> I am fortunate to live in a community which is on good terms with our law
> enforcement. It is said to be the first city in California to require a 4
> year college degree as a requirement to be a police officer.
> >…You also keep using the term bride also to mean wife, I presume. Or is
> your marriage to her quite recent? I mean recent as a week ago or less…
> Dan
> I did use that term when we had been wed a week or less. I just never
> gave it up. We recently celebrated 36 years of wedded bliss. She is still
> my bride, I am still her dedicated manservant, catering to her every wish,
> fulfilling her every random whim. She doesn’t mind my referring to her as
> my bride. I don’t mind her referring to me as her sex slave.
> Eh, the proles who hang out here know me. I figure we are all among
> friends here.
> spike
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