[ExI] kiwis keeping it real

Bill Hibbard hibbard at wisc.edu
Sun Jun 21 19:33:28 UTC 2020

> As to what is going to happen in November.  I just dunno.  Blank.

Yeah, life is getting pretty crazy.

> I used to think that my mama lived through the most changes in our world -
> born in 1907.  Died in 1980.  Now I think I have experienced the most -
> 1942 to present.  How long is this positively accelerated curve of
> scientific and tech discoveries going to take to slow down?

My mom was born in 1914. Shortly before she died in 2001 she said,
"You can't imagine how much things have changed since I was young,"
and I thought, you ain't seen nothin' yet, mom.

The smartest folks, with huge budgets, are working hard on AI and
biotech. Rather than a slow down, technological change will continue
to accelerate. Lots of problems solved but also overloading many
peoples' capacity to adapt to change, leading to social disruption
such as we currently observe. I think most societies will employ
a combination of social welfare and social control to avoid craziness
spinning out of control.

One of my favorite movies, Bedazzled with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore,
ends with God laughing. I try to hear the gods laughing.

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