[ExI] The Fermi Paradox

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Fri Mar 6 17:56:51 UTC 2020

On 06/03/2020 16:32, John K Clark wrote:
> Galactic clusters are the largest structures in the universe held 
> together by gravity and the Ophiuchus Supercluster contains 4021 known 
> galaxies, it's likely none of them contain life, much less intelligent 
> life. Telescopes have seen evidence that the largest galaxy in the 
> center of the cluster underwent a gargantuan explosion at least 240 
> million years earlier, it's 390 million light years away so the 
> explosion happened at least 630 million years ago. It's thought that 
> 270 million solar masses of gas and dust was sucked into the black 
> hole at the center of the galaxy producing something equivalent to a 
> supernova going off every month for a 100 million years. Something 
> like that would probably sterilize not only the galaxy but the entire 
> cluster. And Ophiuchus is relatively nearby so it's almost certain 
> there are more distant clusters that suffered even larger explosions. 
> It looks like the Milky Way has just been lucky.
> <https://www.icrar.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/2002.01291.pdf>
> John K Clark

I'm wondering what are the chances that something similar will happen in 
our neighbourhood sometime in the future?

If it does, what could our future selves do to survive it?

There's a story by Greg Egan that has a similar premise. It's not 

Ben Zaiboc

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