[ExI] The Fermi Paradox, Vol 198, Issue 8
robot at ultimax.com
robot at ultimax.com
Sat Mar 7 20:28:41 UTC 2020
> If a shell of dense rock was constructed, and a civilisation located at
> the centre (uploads in some nano-structured substrate, say), how thick
> would the rock need to be? Can anyone do the maths on this?
. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Yep. We did.
Roy, Kenneth I., Robert G. Kennedy, and David E. Fields. 2009. "Shell
Worlds: An Approach to Terraforming Moons, Small Planets, and Plutoids."
Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, volume 61, number 1,
pages 32-38. January 8, 2009.
Roy, Kenneth I., Kennedy, Robert G., and David E. Fields. 2013. "Shell
Worlds". Acta Astronautica, volume 82, issue 2, February 2013, pages
238-245. Available online 2 October 2012, ISSN 0094-5765, doi:
10.1016/j.actaastro.2012.08.034. Keywords: megastructures; space
colonization-industrialization; circumstellar habitable zones;
terraforming; extraterrestrial resources; SETI.
Roy, Kenneth I., Robert G. Kennedy, and David E. Fields. 2013.
"Colonizing the Plutoids: The Key to Human Expansion into the Galaxy",
Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop 2013 Special Issue of Journal of
the British Interplanetary Society, volume 66, no. 10-11, Oct/Nov 2013.
Roy, Kenneth I., Kennedy, Robert G., and David E. Fields. 2013. "Shell
Worlds: The Question of Shell Stability and Other Issues", Journal of
the British Interplanetary Society, volume 67, no. 10, Oct 2014,
Robert G. Kennedy III, PE
1994 AAAS/ASME Congressional Fellow
U.S. House Subcommittee on Space
On 2020-03-07 11:52, extropy-chat-request at lists.extropy.org wrote:
> Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2020 16:27:10 +0000
> From: Ben Zaiboc <ben at zaiboc.net>
> To: extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
> Subject: Re: [ExI] The Fermi Paradox
> I imagine gas giants would get shredded by this kind of event, and
> stars
> are probably not dense enough to provide the shielding needed, so that
> leaves large rocky planets like the earth. I can't see crawling around
> on the surface like in those stories being viable (storms, vulcanism)
> and of course an orbit would be useless, so what does that leave? Going
> deep underground (as in, in the mantle)?
> If a shell of dense rock was constructed, and a civilisation located at
> the centre (uploads in some nano-structured substrate, say), how thick
> would the rock need to be? Can anyone do the maths on this? One
. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> supernova per month, indefinitely, from say our galactic centre?
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