[ExI] barber
SR Ballard
sen.otaku at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 01:33:33 UTC 2020
The barber usually parts the hair from the back, no? He may have mentally reversed sidedness.
Or he could be someone like me who can’t tell right from left on a consistent basis.
I got confused about it as a little kid and have never recovered.
SR Ballard
> On Mar 22, 2020, at 9:45 AM, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Beyond stunned. I was getting a haircut and asked the barber how most people parted their hair on the left versus the right. I thought it was on the left, as I have noticed that, or so I thought, being a man who parted his on the right (which might have something to do with my dad being left-handed and me being nearly equal on both sides).
> Anyhow, he looked puzzled and finally said on the right. I looked it up when I got home and sure enough, 90% of right handers part on the left, and so do 45% of lefthanders.
> My question is: how can someone look at heads all day long for about 40 years and not notice where most people part their hair? When asked, get it wrong.
> So it made me wonder, since the barber was of average intelligence, what I had been missing despite looking at it all my life. I have come up with a few over the years: in the Revolutionary War there was a group called the Green Mountain Boys. I wondered where that came from until I finally got it when I looked at the word Vermont for the thousandth time, and saw it. Then my mind went to : Giuseppe Verdi - Joe Green.
> We look and we look again and for many years we just don't see. I wonder how many abstractions are that way. We know the definition but simply do not understand the concept the way we think we do. When we do, it's a little epiphany.
> bill w
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