[ExI] Essential Upload Data (was: Subject: Boltzmann brains)

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Fri May 8 12:47:38 UTC 2020

On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 1:53 PM Re Rose via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> * > I would not want to be battling with a slew of uploads as to who gets
> to live my life and who gets to be my slave - or die. *

But what you want does not necessarily coincide with what will be. In the
future if anybody takes pity on my frozen brain and is kind enough to take
the trouble to revive me it will almost certainly be as an upload because
they would not want somebody as primitive as me running around at the same
level of reality as their master computer servers. And I'm OK with that, it
beats oblivion anyway.

* > I do not believe in any case that we either live in a simulation or
> that we would be happy in one.*

If they figure it would make you unhappy they just won't tell you that
you're living in a simulation. Problem solved.

> * > I don't think a simulation will ever get creative enough to be human*

Learn to pronounce
Anything that computers aren't good at. Yet.

> *> Atari games that found ways to get superhuman scores by twisting the
> rules of the game. But even in those cases you can see the innovation came
> from non-human computer abilities,*


*> In any case I do not care to come back in a simulation or game, to me
> that would be the antithesis of being human~ *

Being human sucks. I'm not nearly as smart as I'd like and I sure won't
last for as long as I'd like.

*> we can't forget that the hormone cycles interact - another level of
> feedback. Reproduction of chaotic systems is notoriously difficult*

If hormone cycles were chaotic we'd all be dead because critical hormones
would be constantly swinging unpredictably from lethally low levels to
lethally high levels; but that doesn't happen because hormone cycles, like
every other chemical cycle in biology, makes use of negative feedback that
damps out any trend toward chaos.

And it's not difficult at all for a computer to produce chaotic behavior,
the computer you're reading this on right now is powerful enough to do
that. What's difficult, virtually impossible in fact, is to know the real
world initial conditions with enough precision to make good long term
predictions of what the real world chaotic system will do.

John K Clark
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