[ExI] Beyond Meat

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Wed Nov 4 15:23:36 UTC 2020

On 03/11/2020 20:39, bill w wrote:
> Y'all do realize that most people believe in God, right?  So uploading 
> is going to be regarded as extremely unnatural, and getting classified 
> as a person is going to be really difficult.  When it happens there'd 
> better be plenty of backup, because the uploads are going to get 
> turned off, if many people have their say, or take matters into their 
> own hands.   bill w

Did you ever see the film 'Transcendence' (with Johnny Depp)?

If so, did you notice any problems with the story? The story about a 
super-intelligent upload able to create workable, large-scale 
nanotechnology, yet, somehow, unable to outwit the luddite biological 

If the plot of that film was more realistic, it would go very 
differently. Even I can think of multiple ways of outwitting the 
luddites, and I'm not anywhere near super-intelligent (I'm probably not 
even averagely-intelligent, to be honest). It goes without saying that 
there will be plenty of backup, and other things that go beyond that, 
not to mention the things that we can't even imagine.

I doubt the uploads will have any serious problem from the 
god-botherers, or any other baseline humans. Or anyone, really, who 
thinks that the words 'turning them off', means anything real.

Ben Zaiboc

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