[ExI] iphone

Dylan Distasio interzone at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 22:25:56 UTC 2020


Although I'm an Android guy, I was going to recommend you just switch to
the iPhone and Apple Watch, although honestly, there is still going to be a
learning curve for you based on what your wrote here.   Apple does their
best to keep it simple though (which is actually one of the reasons I DON'T
like them, lol).   Anyways, my wife and daughter both use Apple and I am a
tech guy so I have a pretty good handle on them even though I don't
personally use them.

It exceeds your price range by a little bit, but I bought my daughter an
Iphone XR as her first phone before she entered Middle School (she's in 7th
now).   While I regret giving in on allowing her a phone since they zombify
kids, the phone itself is great.  It's very large, and is a lot more
powerful than a 6.   Retail on it is $499.   I'd recommend you consider it
if you're looking for a phone with a big screen.   There are other choices
if you hate big screens that I could recommend.   She also has an Apple
Watch 5 which works very nicely with it.


On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 5:15 PM William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Goodbye Samsung, hello Apple. My daughter convinces me that the new
> smartwatch from Apple will be the best for the heart functions I need.
> Thus I am selling two Samsung 5 phones and returning the Samsung watch.
> I called Apple and they said that the oldest iphone that would work with
> the newest watch is the model 6.  I can afford more than that, though
> certainly not the newest model.  Under $400 preferable though not firm.
> Any recommendations for iPhone model?  Do you have it?
> bill w
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