[ExI] Giving up autonomy for cryogenic suspension

Bill Hibbard hibbard at wisc.edu
Sun Nov 22 19:39:10 UTC 2020

> One of my personal nightmare scenarios is being frozen,
> having my body stolen in the hundreds-of-years interim,
> and waking up imprisoned as some kind of fucked up slave,
> possibly a sex slave.
> I've never heard anyone talk about this but in my opinion
> it's a huge issue.

I wrote a short fiction that is somewhat relevant:

I am trying to stay alive as long as possible, out of
curiosity about the future among other reasons. However,
I have no intention to sign up for cryopreservation
because I do not want to risk a blind leap into the far

I only had one acquaintance who signed up for Alcor. He
even moved to Phoenix to be close for quick processing.
One night he got drunk and went to confront a neighbor who
he thought was stealing from him, and took a pistol. The
neighbor called the cops. When they arrived, my jackass
acquaintance shot at them. They shot back and killed him.
There was a significant delay before the police released
the body to Alcor, so it is unlikely that he can ever be
revived. But if he could be revived, he might face charges
for attempted murder of a police officer. Imagine that he
is sentenced to life in prison - the ultimate irony. Could
be a Twlight Zone episode.

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