[ExI] A virologist speculates on the origin of CV-19
Adrian Tymes
atymes at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 18:48:17 UTC 2020
On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 10:51 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> > *On Behalf Of *Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] A virologist speculates on the origin of CV-19
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 9:15 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Yankee ingenuity at its finest. You brightened my day with that one, me
> lad. Adrian, thanks for being so Adriany. You are the Adrianiest guy I
> ever met. You have achieved adjectivehood now, meaning resourceful,
> inventive, get er dun and do it now.
> >…Actually it was my brother who built that box, and he was doing it on
> inspiration from others…
> Far too modest you are sir, and most generous with credit.
But accurate in this instance, I swear.
> Shall we call it the Tymesian Prism? That would honor your parents as
> well. (Side note: I have become cheerfully acquainted online with Adrian’s
> mother who is a doctor interested in virology (I shared my county-data in
> table format (her group doesn’t know why the Sturgis bikers did so well
> either (a most pleasant lady is Adrian’s mother (and I now know why Adrian
> is so smart.)))))
Praelsian Prism. Charles Prael is my half-brother: same mother, different
Regarding that Tymesian Prism, I happen to have a bathroom vent fan. I
> bought one to replace a noisy one, got up there took the old one down,
> discovered why it was noisy (a bit of debris had gotten in there (the fan
> blades were rattling on that (removed the debris (fan returned to its
> former sanity (so I put the old one back (and still have the new one.)))))
> Stop counting my parentheses please, I only kinda estimate. Stop that I
> say!
No. :P 5 for 5, you're good.
> May I share that photo please?
> >…You may! And my description of the contraption. The more people who
> can (literally) breathe easier as a result, the better…
> Thanks man.
I have lost count of the number of times, in the past month alone, I have
had to explicitly give permission to share something that context said was
not confidential. Most of those were CubeCab-related, though (permission
to share presentation materials - a pitch deck or a video - about CubeCab).
> Dontcha just love the internet? Oh what a marvelous thing is this. A
> really good really effective solution, costs almost nothing to make, three
> cheap filters and a fan you can temporarily remove from your bathroom, some
> duct tape and cardboard, and boom, yer there.
One of my strengths, fresh out of university when the Web was practically
still newborn, was my ability to look up solutions on the Internet. All
the knowledge, all the ideas...and in most of my employers, I was the only
one able to tap into all of that.
Even today, I am slightly depressed by how many new workers keep failing to
acquire this skill, when it would serve them quite well, boosting their
value to friends and employers.
> Fun extension of the Tymesian Prism notion
Again I should note, this was improvised because the usual method (just
tape a couple filters in front of a box fan) was unavailable (due to lack
of box fans).
Of course it blows the stink from your bathroom into the other parts of the
> house, but I have a solution to that too:
Mount it on an outside window that is not in your bathroom. ;)
> Adrian hat tip to your brother, along with my thanks. You may forward
> what I have written.
I shall inform him.
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