[ExI] cog bias again
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 18:53:38 UTC 2020
Doctor, do I need to check in at the asylum? Or am I safe to leave out on
the street? Are there medications for LIGO/Sturgis Syndrome?
Prepare a very large pot of chicken broth, good for what ails you, ya know,
and let it cool down some, then stick your head in it repeatedly until all
dissonance is gone, approximately three years.
Does anyone know if viruses are susceptible to sunlight? UV gets through
clouds, as we know. Perhaps it kills enough of the virus so that if it is
inhaled it's not strong enough to battle with the immune system. Just how
much testing of the Sturgis people was done? If my idea is right, then we
ought to find a lot of cases of infection but few people with symptoms.
The LIGO case is too far out for me. bill w
On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 1:25 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> > *On Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] cog bias again
> >…Bill (as a Rogerian therapist). "Spike, what I hear you saying is that
> you are experiencing cognitive dissonance resulting from the uncertainties
> those two subjects bring about in your head.”
> I feel such inner turmoil Doctor. On the one hand, I see this data coming
> in, and it is hard to refute. This intermediate mass merger was something
> I was just raised to believe cannot not happen, yet there it is. I have
> looked at the algorithms they used, the Fourier analysis, the EM filtering
> etc, and it appears that this signal is real and something is very wrong
> with me. I am forced to conclude that I am lunatic-grade crazy.
> Then the other thing Doctor is even more disturbing. That one does agree
> with what I long suspected: covid doesn’t spread all that easily outdoors.
> From a mechanistic point of view, that one makes sense, however… the
> experts seem to collectively ignore what appears to be a huge important
> signal. So in the second case, I feel like I am sane and the others are
> bats-in-the-belfry crazy.
> >…I am not sure where to go with this from here. bill w
> In the meantime… the LIGO keeps hurling new anomalies at us and the bikers
> keep not dying.
> Doctor, do I need to check in at the asylum? Or am I safe to leave out on
> the street? Are there medications for LIGO/Sturgis Syndrome?
> spike
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