[ExI] southern data
pharos at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 16:23:27 UTC 2020
On Sat, 26 Sep 2020 at 17:02, spike jones via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> It occurred to me after all this time to ask an obvious question of my European friends: you guys have motorcycles so there should be motorcycle rallies somewhere, ja? Where? And bikers in Europe would likely have a collective attitude, just as they do in the states? And if so, these European biker events would be potential covid super-spreaders, for bikers are not known for wearing masks are paying much attention to government demands.
> Giulio, how it is for bikers in Yugoslavia? I just went into Google Maps to take a look at street view just outside of Budapest. The Google car showed there are plenty of cars around but I never did see motorcycles anywhere? Don’t you guys have biker groups there? Don’t they have rallies and such?
> I will offer this: just going into Yugoslavia Street View was an education: wheeeeeere the heeeeellll is all the traffic? Most of the streets appear deserted. What’s up, did you guys have the rapture but instead of taking the religion people it took away those with drivers licenses? Why bother having roads if they aren’t all clogged up with cars? I soooo don’t understand Europe.
> spike
> _______________________________________________
Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore. There were wars and stuff and it
split up into separate countries.
Traffic in European cities is a big problem. I wouldn't be surprised
if Google cars didn't like being stuck in traffic jams with only
camera views of lorries and buses. They probably prefer to drive
around on Sunday mornings when you can actually get views of the
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