[ExI] Most of the World Has a Simple Vaccine Request. America Isn’t Listening.

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 15:33:12 UTC 2021

Uh huh.  This is easily "national emergency" level.  If those other nations
actually had the ability to stand up manufacture if not for patents, why
haven't they said, "We're temporarily suspending the patent within our
nation BECAUSE OUR PEOPLE ARE DYING OTHERWISE; we'll figure out the
financing and payment later, once OUR PEOPLE ARE NO LONGER DYING"?  I
suspect there's more than just waiving the patents that would be needed -
something that would actually take some resources, which resources are
currently being put toward vaccine manufacture.

On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 1:32 AM John Grigg via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Nations across the world are demanding the right to manufacture their own
> Covid-19 vaccines. Why is the U.S. saying no?
> "Vaccine distribution is being spoken and written about as a zero-sum
> game because of the conditions of artificial scarcity that our government
> has created and is presently enforcing. If more Americans actually knew the
> substance of the requests being made by other nations, they’d have no
> reason to worry about losing any of “our” vaccine doses. Instead, they
> would understand that the only thing at risk—and only temporarily at
> that—are some potential future profits of Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and
> the like. It’s hard to believe many of them would side with our
> government’s position on the matter. The lack of interest by the American
> media means we’ll never get to find out."
> https://newrepublic.com/article/161704/global-vaccine-shortage-intellectual-property
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