[ExI] Webb Space Telescope Scheduled For November Launch

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 23:52:19 UTC 2021

I can't wait!  :  )

"Rumors were swirling, and now it appears to be true. The James Webb Space
Telescope – also known as JWST or simply the Webb
<https://www.jwst.nasa.gov/> – is coming up against yet another delay,
albeit a small one in contrast to other delays and setbacks over the past
two decades. European Space Agency representatives and Arianespace
officials acknowledged at a briefing on June 1, 2021, that the launch of
the Webb will likely slip from this coming October 31. According to
SpaceNews <https://spacenews.com/jwst-launch-slips-to-november/>, the cause
of the delay is a grace period for team engineers to review *payload
fairing* problems. The payload fairing is essentially the rocket’s nose
cone. It’s the covering on top of the payload. The issue in this case is
linked to the Ariane 5 <https://www.arianespace.com/vehicle/ariane-5/> rocket
that’ll launch Webb, hopefully, now, in mid-November 2021."

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