[ExI] Section 230 and Antitrust

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sun Jan 17 16:45:02 UTC 2021



From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 



>>… Our most munificent ( and not at ominously named) censor “SPIKE”! Hail Spike of the Mighty Clicks!


>…Hi Omar, thanks for the worship.  Thou art too kind, humble servant.  But I never used that power.  …spike


This brings up an interesting question in general: should completely unmoderated sites exist?  ExI was for many years: I didn’t moderate people based on content.  That has its drawbacks: good contributors who post high quality valuable posts don’t want to be associated with the kind of content that is allowed on such a site, so they go away.  Example: Anders Sandberg.


OK suppose a site does moderate based on content.  Not everyone will agree on how it is moderated.


American society is now at the point where there is no clear place where completely unmoderated material can be posted.  This too might be a bad thing, for it gives the moderated platforms too much unaccountable power.


I don’t know what the right thing is there, but I am eager to hear ideas.



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