[ExI] geezer guard

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 20:35:58 UTC 2021

Mt Electra, or something like that. In Yellowstone park.  I worked there
one summer probably 1960.  Did not see elk, but climbed that mountain. Took
four hours.  Going down was jumping and sliding - about 20 minutes.  So I
had to twist my ankle, right?  Looked around, saw an elk rack, took one and
used it as a crutch on the way down.  Never did see an elk.  Bear, yes -
not grizzly.  Very careful with their garbage up there.  I am swearing off
frozen meat.  I can get ribeye whole for $7 a pound bone-in, but it's just
not the same as fresh, so I'll pay $14 a pound and consider it a good
deal.  bill w

On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 12:47 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> *…*> *On Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] geezer guard
> >…Spike …Personally I have not tried elk.  Not many around here…
> I have heard elk herds are making a comeback on that side of the
> Mississippi.  They were re-introduced into western Kentucky.  I had elk at
> a restaurant in the Ozarks.  I don’t know if it was local, probably not.
> If you really want it, you can buy venison online.  Kinda pricy and frozen
> of course.  My brother in law lives in a rural area about an hour drive
> from Seattle.  The local Elk herd is a real pest there: always chewing on
> his trees and lawn.  He is vegetarian, which seems like such a tragic waste
> of meat.
> >…Probably available in big cities. bill
> In the age of the internet, we are all in big cities, even those of us a
> kilometer from the nearest neighbor:
> https://www.elkusa.com/elk_meat.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_p3jupWr7gIV-gutBh0ulwFjEAAYASAAEgLChvD_BwE
> spike
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