[ExI] the science might be wrong

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Sat Jan 23 19:18:46 UTC 2021

On 23/01/2021 16:05, Spike wrote:
> Consider the MINO: mask in name only.  They are made of spandex.  Very 
> comfortable, one scarcely knows one is wearing it

Excellent idea, Spike. I shall make one forthwith. I wear a MINO, but 
made of paper, same as most people here. I only wear it to get into 
shops that may refuse me entry if I don't, but the damn thing fogs up my 
glasses and is a pain to wear. I tear it off almost before I'm out of 
the shop.

Now, what have I got that's made of spandex, that I can cut up?

It will be just as much use as the paper ones, but more bearable to wear.

Ben Zaiboc

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