[ExI] The Magpie Whisperer

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Tue Jun 22 23:00:49 UTC 2021

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat

> _______________________________________________

>...Spike now has a slightly worried look. He has just noticed that after reading that Lockheed post his bride is now looking out the front window at the RV parked outside, then back at him, then back at the RV. It is the speculative look on her face that worries him. She speaks - "Are you busy at the moment, dear?"
A flash of panic, then Spike starts typing furiously. "Actually, I am rather busy at present, my little tangerine. Why don't you make a cup of tea?"
For some strange reason she seems to be slightly disappointed. "For you as well?" as she went to the kitchen.



>...A flash of panic, then Spike starts typing furiously. "Actually, I am rather busy at present, my little tangerine. Why don't you make a cup of tea?"

BillK, that "tea" business is mostly a British thing.  You guys taxed the stuff, we became annoyed, the local lads tossed it all into the harbor, most of us yanks switched to coffee which has been the beverage of choice ever since.


All of your comments are plausible and noteworthy, however I am able to sleep soundly as is my bride.  Reason: we worked in an area which required the level of clearance that involves regularly interviewing with the security people, along with the requirement of strapping on a polygraph and proving one didn't have anything which would create a risk of blackmail or extortion.  Otherwise, I could see significant risk in even owning an RV on that back lot.

Seeing all those rotting RVs back there was surreal.  It really brings home the folly of humanity: we have gone to aaaalll that effort, building these wonderful machines that can do so much, created jobs that pay enough that people can buy them and let them sit unused until they are scrap metal.  In an ideal world, there would not be such appalling waste.


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