[ExI] herd immunity?
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 16:51:48 UTC 2021
Are you talking about something measurable? What statistics have to be at
what point before we can say the we have herd immunity? bill w
On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 11:32 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Early in the pandemic about a year ago, a British doctor was on the Beeb
> spoke about herd immunity. His overall message was kinda negative: that
> humanity was unlikely to defeat covid by any other means than a lotta
> people catching and surviving, resulting in eventual herd immunity. They
> ripped him a new one! Nearly universal condemnation, and counter
> suggestions that proper mask wearing and social distancing would suffice,
> but… over time he is looking more and more right on, way back in March 2020.
> I don’t even know who that was, but if we look at those places which were
> hit really hard, such as UK, USA, France, Italy, etc, those places are
> seeing general declines in new case rates (and were even before the vaccine
> became a major factor.) In the USA for instance, the new case rate is
> below 20% of its early January peak.
> It might be wishful thinking on my part, but it appears to me that some
> places are seeing the impact of significant percentages of their
> populations having been exposed and were either non-symptomatic or covid
> presented as an ordinary flu. If so, some places are already showing what
> looks to me like herd immunity. Hope so.
> spike
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